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Pay Your Loan
Online, in-person, over the phone, or by mail
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Pay your TruMark Financial loan

At TruMark Financial, we make paying credit cards and loans simple and convenient. Explore our variety of payment options to find the one that works best for you.

For additional assistance, click ‘Let’s talk’ at the bottom right of your screen.

Pay online from another financial institution

1. Log into online banking

2. Select Transfers & Payments

3. Select Loan Payment from Another CU/Bank

4. Select Make a Payment

5. Select one of the following: Pay from your bank account, Pay by debit card, Pay from Internal Account and follow the respective prompts

For online mortgage payments from other financial institutions, please scroll down to the FAQs.

Click here to log into online banking
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Pay online using your TruMark Financial account

1. Log into online banking

2. Select the Pay button on the account summary screen for the credit card/loan that you want to pay

3. Transfer funds directly to your TruMark Financial credit card/loan

Click here to log into online banking

Pay in person

Visit any TruMark Financial branch to make your payment in person. Our friendly staff is ready to assist you.

If you prefer to make a payment over the phone from your TruMark Financial savings or checking account, simply call 1-877-TRUMARK and have your account information ready. Reference your statement or mailed member letter to find this information. 

Click here for branch locations
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Mail a check

For credit card payments:
TruMark Financial Credit Union
P.O. Box 37603
Philadelphia, PA 19101-0603

For mortgage payments:
TruMark Financial Credit Union
Attn: Mortgage Servicing
335 Commerce Drive
P.O. Box 8127
Fort Washington, PA 19034

For all other loan payments:
TruMark Financial Credit Union
P.O. Box 1329
Fort Washington, PA 19034-1329

Please include your credit card or loan number on the check to ensure accurate processing. Reference your statement or mailed member letter to find this information. 

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How do I pay a mortgage from my other financial institution?
Can I pay my loan using a credit card?
What are the loan payment cutoff times?
How do I find a branch to pay my loan?