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A personalized tool to manage your credit score

SavvyMoney is easily accessed within TruMark Financial’s online banking and mobile app 

Having a healthy credit score is vital when it comes to buying a house or car, getting a competitive interest rate on a credit card, and so much more. With TruMark Financial’s free credit monitoring tool, SavvyMoney, finding out what is impacting your credit score and how to increase it can be easy. Features include:

  • Credit monitoring alerts: Stay informed about changes
    to your credit report to protect against potential fraud and
    identity theft
  • Credit goals and action plan: Track and achieve your
    credit improvement goals with personalized action plans
  • Credit score simulator: Understand how financial
    actions impact your credit score for informed decisions
  • Personalized credit report: Access your complete
    credit report for a clear financial history
  • Credit report error dispute: Quickly resolve credit
    report errors directly from our app
  • Credit score education: Find helpful tips and resources
    to help you reach your financial goals faster

Don’t let your financial aspirations remain just dreams, transform them into reality with SavvyMoney.

Learn more

Download TruMark Financial’s mobile app today